Wednesday, July 8, 2009

My name is Yekaterina

And my last name is Lobaznyuk, which can be pronounced "Lay-boz-NUKE" or "La-BOZ-nee-uk." But no matter how you say it, I am pretty darn cute.

I would just like to share that I think Lobaznyuk is one of theose great gymnasts who was enormously talented EQUALLY on all four apparatus, and clean as well. I wanted to give her her due. I think part of why more people don't remember her is that she was at her peak for a relatively short time. She "debuted" at the 1999 Worlds, winning a silver medal with her team (ahh remember the good 'ole days when Russia was in the top 3?). At the 2000, if you go back and re-watch (which I am fond of doing) you realize, which I had forgotten, that she was right up there with some of the best. She got a silver for team and beam and bronze on vault (arg I think you can argue that she was better than Raducan on vault) and 5th AA. But look AT her vaults: double-twisting Yurchenko and double-twisting Tsukahara. Who even does double-twisting Tsukaharas now?

And yes I love that someone who can be so amazing on vault can also have such an amazing beam set.

And I have to say, I really, REALLY want to give the gold to Lobaznyuk over Liu Xuan. Liu just really didn't blow me out of the park on this one. Yes Lobaznyuk did have a slight step after her standing Arabian and a slight waver after her aerial front walkover. That being said, I want to say this routine is a smidge more difficult... thoughts?

And besides, you have to giver her bonus points for being cute.


ugly leotards said...

I love her too. I was just watching the Sydney AA recently and thought she was marvelous, even with her mistake on floor.

And it's cute when these tiny gymnasts flex their feet.

Unknown said...

I can understand your "wanting" to give her the gold, but she wouldn't deserve it. She had a few flubs and a huge pause, and those had to be punished.
But since she was so adorable, I can understand why you wanted her to win gold. Produnova was my fave. But Liu Xuan did blow the judges out of the water because she had difficulty, grace and confidence.
p.s. I just discovered your blog today, and I want to thank you for making such a fun site! Hats off!